Using Windows Live Writer

17 years ago

My first post using Windows Live Writer. This seems like it will be quite a nice application for publishing entries.…

Change SMS Cache Size

17 years ago

This script will change the sms cache size. Usage Example: cscript change-sms-cache.vbs 1000 d: Note: size is in MB (more…)

Left brain/right brain optical illusion

17 years ago

DelicateGenius posted an interesting optical illusion in which a dancer is turning either right or left. What do you think!!!…

Extents and the Mystery

17 years ago

A post I posted here in the VMware forums and I'm waiting for some reasonable explination on why everyone is…

All collections for specific machine

17 years ago

A bit of code from with a report that lists all collections for a specific machine. (more…)

List all databases and their files on MS SQL

17 years ago

A quick way to check and see all databases for your MS SQL server is to run the following command…

error code is 80070005

18 years ago

I'm sure you've seen this error in your travels, here's how to fix it: MSI: Setup failed due to unexpected…

Response Buffer Limit Exceeded

18 years ago

Ever get this error: Response object error 'ASP 0251 : 80004005' Response Buffer Limit Exceeded Here's the fix: (more…)

Ping a list of machines from txt

18 years ago

This vbscript pings machines from a text file: change the two variables for your input and output txt files: strPATHout…