Finally SAS disk shelves from NetApp. Also in a 24 drive configuration.
Update: Looks like these will ship with new systems only starting December (and by new systems, it seems maybe only the FAS-3170s). General availability will come a few months later.

an update:
We finally ordered some of these shelves, and they’re quite nice!
Slot: 1a Description: SAS Host Adapter 1a (PMC-Sierra PM8001 rev. C) Firmware Rev: Base WWN: 5:00e00x:0000xxx:xx State: Enabled In Use: Yes Redundant: Yes Phy State: [0] Enabled, 3.0Gb/s (9) [1] Enabled, 3.0Gb/s (9) [2] Enabled, 3.0Gb/s (9) [3] Enabled, 3.0Gb/s (9)